Friday, March 14, 2008

HW! 09/reflection

Day Nine
9 Day Reflection

Here I am going to tell you about the last nine days of intersession. First I am am going to say that I had a really great experience throughout these two weeks and I learned a lot. I loved working with everyone and I loved how the Gaga pit turned out. So thank you. Next I am going to go through how each day went and what we did. On the first day all we did was math. We worked on our angles, perimeter and area, that was pretty much it. To be honest I was bored out of my skull. Day two was not very different we did math and other boring stuff, we eventually got to cut some wood with hand saws but that was so tiring and took forever. Day three was the first day of real work we had to measure the wood to the right size and then we got to use miter saws. It was pretty fun and I was so excited to get started. Day four was tiring we painted all day and by the end of it I was cover in bright blue paint my shoes we ruined. everything had to be painted except the plywood, that would mean we would be painting the 4''x6''x10'', 2''x4''x8'', 2''x4''x10'', and the  2''x6''x10'. Day five was just touching up on the blue pieces of wood and painting the big plywood yellow. I you are wondering why we painted the wood blue and yellow, that is because they are school colors. Day six was very tiring because we had to find out a place for the Gaga pit to go, the spot we had originally put it in was illegal and we could get fined. So we had to move around these billion pound pieces o wood until we found a spot for it to go then we started t screw in the studs to support the plywood that was to go over it. Day seven we started nailing everything together, drilling was fun but it was hard to keep the screw straight. We had a lot of mess ups  and even had to do one whole board over. Day eight there is not much to do so we start off the day with a nice long game of Gaga, then got to work we touched up the scratched paint on any of the wood and finished any nailing or screwing needed. Day nine the corhole group needed help finishing their sowing, so half the day we spent sowing up corn hole bags, then we went outside to play with them and they busted, just great. That was my nine day reflection. 

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